What Is Psychological Horror Fiction and Why Do We Love It?

creepy hand against window

I have previously gone over how to write horror, but now it’s time to look at what kind of subgenres there are within it. We can start with one of my favorites - psychological horror!

Psychological horror is highly reliant on the mental and emotional state of the audience. It relies heavily on the buildup of suspension, creating elements of dread before frightening, disturbing, or merely unsettling the audience as the payoff.

As mentioned above, these help to teach a specific lesson to the audience or help them cope with the real-life horrors of the world.

Thus, it is an excellent genre to study if you want to see how horror can be done effectively and hold its literary merit.

For example, a character may exist in a world where a serial killer is on the loose, and in turn, the audience must question whether they may be the next victim. Thus, the audience benefits from that reinforced fear that not everyone is safe, and the world can be dangerous.

Psychological horror also deals heavily with the psychology of the villains and the fear itself. Thus, the audience wants to know why the serial killer is on the prowl, and they want to feel the fear that the protagonists do.

This makes all the difference between just another slasher and a piece that will make audiences question some aspect of humanity or even themselves. Psychological horror also does not have to be true to real life. It can feature supernatural or paranormal themes prominently. However, the primary consideration is the fact that the mind creates what is not there.

The slow reveal and dissection of information allow audiences to not only get a sense of dread, which begets fear, but it also allows us to examine it later after the threat has passed.


Although we have a high degree of enjoyment for all types of horror, we have a special place for psychological tales. In many ways, they resemble our nightmares, which reflect our waking fears. In fact, many of the most relatable and well-done villains come from psychological horror.

Thus, they allow us a way to explore these fears from the comfort of our homes, movie theaters, etc.  We know that the serial killer or crazed madman on the screen will not kill us.

At the same time, we know that it is not outside the realm of possibility for something like this to occur. Therefore, horror films and literature make us fearful and cautious simultaneously.

It is the what-if of what might happen in the real world. A world we know is horrible. Serial killers exist. Mass murders still occur almost every week.

Sometimes, it seems like we live in our Final Destination movie, where one wrong step could mean the difference between life and death.

Even when the psychological horror we consume also has a supernatural bent (take the Babadook, for instance), the emphasis is placed on the realistic element and the general uncertainty about whether the supernatural elements are happening, sometimes both.   

Keep in mind that psychological horrors are designed to catch us off guard by their nature. Through atmosphere and use of setting, the audience is thrust into a particular environment.

Of course, this happens in other horror genres, and considers that it is often subverted. Think of the jump scares that sometimes take us off guard.

For example, in the Sixth Sense, we know the colossal twister (spoiler alert) is that Dr. Malcom Crowe, a psychologist helping a child who sees ghosts, is dead. Even when we see these twists coming, the reveal of information throughout keeps our wits sharpened and our eyes fresh in spotting any clues. 

So, psychological horrors give us a platform to explore genuine fears in a controlled environment. Still, it also helps us sharpen the tools we might need to draw from should anything happen like these examples in our waking life.  


Now that we know what psychological horror is and why we seek it out, here is a list of my favorite psychological horror books and movies and why I recommend them. You should consider how the plot is crafted within these stories, and especially focus on what kind of fears they might be tackling.


  • The Babadook (2014): A mother and her son try to find normalcy after her husband dies. This movie is an incredible example of how psychological horror gives us a lens to explore inner fears and turmoil. Specifically, the monster in the film is the physical embodiment of grief.

  • The Sixth Sense (1991): After a child reveals to Dr. Crow that he sees dead people, the therapist undergoes a great deal of self-discovery. The film is not only considered M. Night Shyamalan's best piece but is also one of the best examples of a solid twist ending. It's also interesting to go back and look at how Shyamalan threads out bits and pieces of the future reveal.

  • Get Out (2018): Chris Washington, a black man, meets his white girlfriend's family for the first time. As a result, race plays a huge part in the film and family dynamic. Once there, Chris slowly begins to realize that something is amiss. Director Jordan Peele creates a masterpiece that tackles race relations in an engaging, psychologically stimulating way.

  • Psycho (1960): A woman goes on the lam after stealing $40,000. She checks into the inconspicuous Bates Motel, where things get unsettling. Psycho is one of the first serial killer yarns; Hitchcock's piece delves straight into the strange psychology behind why some may kill. This film was also inspired in part by real-life serial killer Ed Gein.


The Shining by Stephen King: Writer, Jack Torrance, is a recovering alcoholic looking to put the past behind him for his wife and son. He becomes the caretaker for the Overlook Hotel. Once settled in, he and his family get anything but relaxation. The movie is also worth watching. It's an excellent example of psychological horror's complexity and how it often models our inner demons.

ghosts sitting on a bench
  • American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis: Patrick Bateman is a very successful businessman living in New York City during the premiere Wall Street peak of the 1980s. He also has a penchant for cocaine and killing. Not only are Bateman's nefarious deeds an exciting look into the psyche of the murderer, but the interior of his character also allows us to explore our depravity. ·

  • A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay: A family breaks into disarray when a young girl has a psychotic breakdown. After trying out medication, the family contacts an exorcist and a television crew. The book takes place years after the girl has grown up while having an interview with a writer. It is an engaging window into the psychology behind exorcism and when "help" becomes downright exploitation. ·

  • The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories by Edgar Allan Poe: Featuring such classics as "The Raven," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Tell-Tale Heart," and the title piece, Poe is one of the masters of psychological horror. Poe also heavily relies on an unreliable narrator's idea, in which the audience questions their sanity.

These are just a few handfuls of fantastic horror pieces that emphasize this subgenre.



Christina Escamilla

Author hailing from Houston, Texas. Christina writes macabre short stories and writing guides across genres. Loves a good cup of hot chocolate and cuddling her maltipoo, Tiffany.


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