Your Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Indie Authors

You've probably heard about SEO from countless other authors, bloggers, and maybe even your best friend’s cousin who “does websites and stuff.” Everyone always tells you that if you have an author website, you need to do SEO, but no one really explains what this means.

Well, that’s what we are going to learn.

What is SEO, Anyway?

Ever heard the expression Content is King? That's because content is what drives readers to your website. Search engines will list your site based on what content it has. The content on your site also increases this ranking when others reference it on their site. The more relevant your content is, the higher your search engine rank will be with the correct keywords and formatting.

Creating content that engages and creates reader interest is one of the most successful ways to build a strategic marketing funnel, or the pieces that come together to help you with your authorship goals. A large part of your search engine marketing strategy should be to create content that can be used in various ways. Your return on investment is not only found in book sales but also in brand recognition and reader loyalty.

Remember that content is the main component of how Google and other search engines will index (add it to their listing) your website.

Search Engine Optimization is the driver.

The Function of SEO For An Author Website

SEO ensures that search engine sites such as Google will not only index your page but will rank it higher than other sites in a similar category. For example, perform a simple search such as “Best books for summer” or “Popular mystery novels.” Then choose a website to visit.

I will guess that you do not choose a site on the 4th page, or even the 2nd or 3rd. Most people will choose a site that is on the 1st page.

That is where you want your site to be!

You need SEO because it allows your author website to be ranked higher, giving you a better chance that your content, such as a blog or your list of books, will be viewed.

Keyword Research and Analysis

The cornerstone of a good search engine strategy is keywords. These are the words that you type into a search engine to find what you want. The more you implement them into your content, the more search engines will index it.

If you know your genre well, then you can likely come up with a word bank of different ideas and topics. For instance, on the top of my head, here are five keywords for a mystery author:

  • mystery books

  • thriller and mystery novels

  • mystery thriller suspense

  • thriller books

  • good thriller novels

Implementing these keywords are not a guarantee that your website you will increase its ranking or even be indexed in the first place. So much goes into SEO. However, this is a good start!

You must be careful, however, not to stuff your keywords.

Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO

Keyword stuffing is an example of black hate SEO. White hat are the good SEO practices that will help increase your website.

Black hat refers to link farming, hidden texts, spamming, and keyword stuffing to drum up more views and, ultimately, a higher ranking without care for the quality of content on your author website.

Below is an example of keyword stuffing:

an example of keyword stuffing for an author

As you can see, the romance-related keywords were repeated throughout this short text. While you can use similar keywords, using them over and over is frowned upon by the Search Engine Gods.

There are many ways to find relevant keywords and we will go over some of them in a future blog post. For now, I encourage you to research your book genre by performing a basic web search, through Google or Bing, and writing down suggested results.

These are the beginning keywords to use!

You can then use them to write high-quality and engaging content, which is the start to your new SEO strategy.

Understanding Amazon Search for Indie Authors

While SEO is crucial for your author website, it's also important to understand how search works on platforms where you sell your books, like Amazon. Amazon's search function operates differently from Google's, and understanding these differences can help you optimize your book listings for better visibility.

What is Amazon's A9 Algorithm?

Amazon uses a proprietary algorithm called A9 to determine how products, including books, are ranked in search results. The A9 algorithm considers various factors, including relevance to the search query, price, availability, sales history, and customer reviews.

How is Amazon Search Different from Google SEarch?

While Google's primary goal is to provide the most relevant information based on a user's search query, Amazon's main objective is to sell products. Therefore, Amazon's A9 algorithm heavily favors products that are more likely to sell. This means that factors like sales history, customer reviews, and price can significantly impact your book's visibility on Amazon.

How to Optimize for Amazon Search

Optimizing your book listings for Amazon search involves several steps:

Keyword Research: Just like with Google SEO, keyword research is crucial for Amazon SEO. Use Amazon's auto-suggest feature to find keywords relevant to your book. These are the words and phrases that readers type into the Amazon search bar when looking for books.

Title and Subtitle: Make sure your book's title and subtitle are clear, descriptive, and contain relevant keywords. However, avoid keyword stuffing as it can make your title look spammy and unprofessional.

Book Description: Your book description should be engaging and informative, giving potential readers a clear idea of what your book is about. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your description.

Categories and Tags: Choose the most relevant categories for your book. This will help Amazon know where to place your book. Also, use tags (also known as keywords) to help further categorize your book.

Reviews and Ratings: Encourage your readers to leave reviews and ratings. Positive reviews and high ratings can improve your book's visibility on Amazon.

Price: The price of your book can also affect its visibility. Books that are priced competitively tend to rank higher in Amazon's search results.

Remember, Amazon's A9 algorithm is designed to promote products that sell. By optimizing your book listings, you can increase your book's visibility, which can lead to more sales and better rankings on Amazon.

Mastering SEO for Indie Authors

As an indie author, understanding and implementing for your author website and optimizing your book listings on Amazon can significantly increase your visibility online. By leveraging the power of keywords, creating engaging and relevant content, and adhering to best SEO practices, you can drive more traffic to your website and improve your book's ranking on Amazon.

Remember, SEO is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Search engine algorithms and user behaviors are constantly evolving, so it's essential to stay updated with the latest SEO trends and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Similarly, Amazon's A9 algorithm is designed to promote products that sell. By optimizing your book listings, encouraging reviews, and pricing your books competitively, you can increase your book's visibility, leading to more sales and better rankings on Amazon.

In the end, whether it's Google SEO or Amazon search optimization, the goal is to connect with your target audience - your readers. By providing them with valuable content and books that meet their interests and needs, you'll not only improve your online visibility but also build a loyal reader base.

Remember, as an indie author, you're not just selling books; you're building a brand. And a strong SEO strategy is a powerful tool in your brand-building arsenal. So, start optimizing today and watch your author platform grow!



Christina Escamilla

Author hailing from Houston, Texas. Christina writes macabre short stories and writing guides across genres. Loves a good cup of hot chocolate and cuddling her maltipoo, Tiffany.

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